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Note: To find an Access Center for Court-Ordered Supervised Visitation and Monitored Transfer, go to the Access Section.
Children's Rights Council of Maryland
Lesa D. Britt, CEO and Executive Director |
Email: lbritt@crckids.org |
Phone: (301) 459-1220 |
Contact: Monday thru Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Friday Evenings, 7:00 pm- 8:00 pm Saturday, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Sunday Evenings, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm |
Services:Services relating to Access and Transfer centers; Monitored Exchange and Supervised Parenting Time (Visitation), Pre and Post Service Facilitation, Parental and Family Education, Domestic Education and Training for Parents/Guardians, Family Counseling and Consultation, Mediation; Foster Care Access Services, Foster Care Supervised Parenting Time (Visitation), Parent/Child and/or Sibling Visitation for children in separate homes |
Trainings: “Train the Trainers” and Monitor Training, Newly formed companies, organizations and Center training for the services of Monitored Exchange and Supervised Parenting Time (Visitation), Individual training for persons providing the services of monitored exchange and supervised parenting time to families as ordered by the court, at the request of the parties. |
You will find helpful resources about child support in Maryland here. Be sure to explore our Legal Resources and Parent Resources for more help regarding a wide variety of topics.
How To Open a New Parenting Center in your area:
CRCkids will tell you how.
We will send you all the information you need to know.
We will answer your questions.
We will "train the trainers" and your local Monitors.
Email your request using our Contact Form
In the Subject line use "New Parenting Center"